Clarity for Your Higher Calling

A Firm that Invests in You

Making Finance an Instrument of Faith

Building Value with Values

A Life and Legacy Filled with Significance

Wealth for the Bigger Picture

  • Clarity for Your Higher Calling

  • A Firm that Invests in You

  • Making Finance an Instrument of Faith

  • Building Value with Values

  • A Life and Legacy Filled with Significance

  • Wealth for the Bigger Picture

Our Mission

Our mission at Mosaic Family Wealth is to help you accomplish yours. We strive to help our clients move from success to significance.

As your personal Family Wealth Coach, we also consider the things that are more important than money itself; the people we love—our friends, our family, our business associates, our experience—our values, faith, education, network, reputation, and most importantly, our legacy.

After all, money touches every aspect of our lives.  Shouldn’t you have a unified plan designed to incorporate all of these important details?

We combine love, learning and sharing in a unified plan to create growth for our clients.

“Somebody’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”
Warren Buffet

Wealth. Relationships. Legacy.

What is wealth? How do you turn your dreams into realities, your goals into actions, and your success into significance? Watch our video to see how Mosaic can help you focus on things that are more important than money itself.